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1. I trade for CDs. I am now willing to accept DVDs for trades if you don't have anything I want. Please see this for info if you are new to trading.

2. Please let me know if you have artwork and how you typically send it. I hate getting discs and then finding out there is no artwork.

3. I no longer accept MP3 sourced shows.

4. If you want to trade, email me your list or a link to your website. Also be sure to tell me what you are interested in as I am constantly increasing my collection.

5. This site has been rececntly moved from its previous home and is currently under construction. (and it will be for quite some time)

6. I have tried to make legitimate comments for each of the discs. I'm pretty certain that I'm on target, but if I'm not, please let me know. My descriptions take into consideration how good the disc sounds and how good the performer was that show. They are (obviously) subjective ratings, so if you disagree please let me know. I'd always like another opinion. (doesn't mean I'd agree with you....) The 'Rating' in the main list is based solely on sound quality.

Here is the Rating guide:

Rating Description Who'd Want It?
A+ Could have been a real release Top Notch Bootleg! A must have for everyone
A Almost perfect, one minor flaw Half the people won't even notice the flaw
A- Excellent, but one or two flaws, or a weakness throughout Everyone would probably enjoy this
B+ Good, but not as good as it could be Good enough for almost everyone but the finicky
B Good, but has flaws also You really love this band and were at this show
B- Fair, flawed Diehard fans only
C+ and below You are sitting on the roof of your car in the parking lot... You have every show of this band that exists except it


7. After the trade deal is struck, I will ship the discs to you on the same day as you ship to me if we have traded before. If you are a new trader to me, I will most likely ask you to send first. I am tired of waiting for shows for months when I send discs out in a timely manner.

8. Most artwork is scanned at 300 dpi. That means it may take a while to download the entire jpg and it will appear HUGE in your browser. If there is no link from the album cover, the artwork is not up yet. I am updating the pages as fast as I can. If I'm trading with you and the artwork is not there for one of your discs, please let me know - I will get it put back online ASAP.

9. If you have questions or need track listings on CDs that don't have links yet, please let me know.


Additional things......

When I say the disk is an original, that means I bought it from a store / bootleg maker and have the 'real' CDs in my possession.

If the disk is marked as CDR then it was received via trade.

If the disk is marked SHN then it was created from SHN files downloaded from the internet. I do not typically trade raw SHN files.

I've tried to also identify the label / maker of the CD, as some bootleg makers are more reliable in quality than others.

I'm also now marking any MP3 conversions as such if I am aware of them.


© 2003 Peanut Butter & Jelly Productions


Maniac Paul's Bootlegs - A Place To Trade Live Concert CDs, DVDs & VCDs

© 2004 Peanut Butter & Jelly Productions